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01.薛爾榮 等(2021)。Effects of yoga on improving quality of life in patients with breast cancer: a meta‑analysis of randomized controlled trials. Breast Cancer, 2021; published online

02.黃冠誠 等(2020)。Cytoreduction surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy for treating advanced peritoneal metastases of hepatocellular carcinoma. Pleura and Peritoneum,; 2020, published online.

03.黃冠誠 等(2020)。Pterostilbene Sensitizes Cisplatin-Resistant Human Bladder Cancer Cells with Oncogenic HRAS. Cancers, 2020; 12(2869): -.

04.黃冠誠 等(2019)。Curcumin functions as a MEK inhibitor to induce a synthetic lethal effect on KRAS mutant colorectal cancer cells receiving targeted drug regorafenib. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2019; published online.

05.黃冠誠 等(2019)。SECONDARY METABOLITES FROM THE FLOWERS OF Michelia crassipe. Chemistry of Natural Compounds’ 2019; 55(5): 982-983.

06.黃冠誠 等(2019)。SECONDARY METABOLITES FROM THE LEAVES OF Elaeagnus glabra. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2019; 55(4): 724-725

07.黃冠誠 等(2019)。Elucidation of the Effects of Si-Wu Tang on Menstrual Disorder Patterns through Activation of Aromatase and Antioxidation. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2019; 29: published onlin

08.黃冠誠 等(2019)。SECONDARY METABOLITES FROM THE LEAVES OF Michelia fuscata. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2019; 55(1): 183-185

09.黃冠誠 等(2018)。A NEW PHENYLALKANOID FROM THE RHIZOMES OF Alpinia galangal. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2018; 54(6): 1072-1075

10.黃冠誠 等(2018)。A NEW DIPHENYL ETHER FROM Cinnamomum subavenium. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2018; 54(5): 869-871

11.黃冠誠 等(2018)。A NEW DIPHENYL ETHER FROM Cinnamomum subavenium. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2018; 54(5): 869-871.



1.別為照顧親人大改日常! 醫談家庭照顧:責任必須分擔(2023,江佳駿)

2.吃狗用驅蟲藥抗末期肺癌? 醫:做化療一樣會緩解 (2019,黃冠誠)

3.男罹癌遊走生死 溫熱療法獲重生(2016,黃冠誠)
